Works, Correspondence: Editions and Translations
Works, Correspondence: Editions and Translations
Published Works — Letters — Translations
Corrections and suggestions always welcome.
Published Works
The Danger of Mercenary Parliaments. London, 1698. Written in collaboration with John Toland; 2nd edn London, 1722.
Select Sermons of Dr Whichcot. In Two Parts. London, 1698. Reissue London, 1721; 2nd edn Edinburgh, 1742 (ed. William Wishart); 3rd edn Bath, 1773. See SE II 4, 13-14.
An Inquiry Concerning Virtue, In Two Discourses. London 1699.
Paradoxes of State, Relating to the Present Juncture of Affairs in England and the Rest of Europe. London, 1702. Written in collaboration with John Toland.
The Sociable Enthusiast; A Philosophical Adventure. [printed privately: s.l., 1704?].
A Letter concerning Enthusiasm. London, 1708.
The Moralists, A Philosophical Rhapsody. London, 1709.
Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour. London, 1709.
Soliloquy: or, Advice to an Author. London, 1710.
Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. In Three Volumes. [Vol. I: A Letter concerning Enthusiasm, Sensus Communis, Soliloquy. Vol. II: An Inquiry concerning Virtue and Merit, The Moralists. Vol. III: Miscellaneous Reflections.] London, 1711.
“Raisonnement sur le Tableau du Jugement d’Hercule.” Journal des Sçavans 52 (Amsterdam edn, 1712), 483-520.
A Notion of the Historical Draught or Tablature of the Judgment of Hercules. London, 1713.
Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. In Three Volumes. The Second Edition Corrected. London, 1714-15. Third volume also contains Judgment of Hercules and (in some, but not all issues) A Letter concerning the Art, or Science of Design.
“A Letter concerning Design.” The Present State of the Republick of Letters (February 1728), pp. 93-106.
“A Letter concerning Design.” An Useful and Entertaining Collection of Letters upon Various Subjects; Several Now First Published from their Original Manuscripts, by the Most Eminent Hands (London, 1745), pp. 75-84.
Other Eighteenth-Century Editions
London, 1723 (“Third Edition”); London, 1727 (“Fourth Edition”); London, 1732 (“Fifth Edition”); London, 1733 (“pocket Edition”); London, 1737-38 (“Sixth Edition”); Dublin, 1743 (“The Fourth Edition”; we have only been able to trace one single copy of this Irish reprint, and that only of Volume I: Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University); Glasgow, 1743-45; [London?] 1749; [Edinburgh? Glasgow?], 1757; Glasgow, 1758 (“A New Edition”); Birmingham, 1773 (“The Fifth Edition”); Basel, 1790.
Modern Editions
Characteristics, ed. Walter M. Hatch. London, 1870. Only one volume completed; includes the first printed (but abridged) version of Adept Ladys.
Characteristics, ed. John M. Robertson, 2 vols (London, 1900). Reprinted with an introduction by Stanley Grean (New York, 1964).
Characteristicks, 3 vols (Farnborough, 1968). A facsimile of the 1714/15 edition.
Characteristicks, 3 vols (Hildesheim, 1978). A facsimile of the 1711 edition.
Characteristicks …, ed. Philip Ayres, 2 vols (Oxford, 1999).
Characteristics…, ed. Lawrence Klein. Cambridge, 1999.
Characteristicks…, ed. Douglas J. den Uyl, 3 vols (Indianapolis, 2001).
Inquiry concerning Virtue
An Inquiry Concerning Virtue or Merit, ed. Julius Ruska. Heidelberg, 1904. Notes in German.
An Inquiry Concerning Virtue or Merit, ed. David Walford. Manchester, 1977.
An Inquiry Concerning Virtue, introduction Joseph Filonowicz. New York, 1991. A facsimile of the 1699 edition.
Letter concerning Enthusiasm / Sensus Communis
Sensus Communis. New York, 1971. A facsimile of the 1709 editio princeps.
An Old-spelling, Critical Edition of Shaftesbury’s ‘Letter Concerning Enthusiasm’ and ‘Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour’, ed. Richard B. Wolf. Ph. D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1976, publ. New York/London, 1988.
The Life, Unpublished Letters, and Philosophical Regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, Author of the “Characteristics”, ed. Benjamin Rand. London/New York 1900, 1-272 (Askemata).
Standard Edition II 6
Second Characters
Second Characters or The Language of Forms, ed. Benjamin Rand. Cambridge, 1914. Reprint New York, 1969.
The Fable of the Wise Puppy, ed. C. Probyn. Monash University [Clayton, Victoria], 1991.
Several Letters Written by a Noble Lord to a Young Man at the University. London, 1716. 2nd edn, 1732; 3rd London, 1746 (title: Ten Letters Written by the Right Honourable A–th–y A–l–y C–wp–er, Earl of S–sb–y, To a Student at the University); another edn (Ten Letters to a Student at the University) sine loco, sine anno, before 1792. See SE II 4, 311-13.
Letters from the Right Honourable the late Earl of Shaftesbury, to Robert Molesworth, Esq.; Now the Lord Viscount of that Name. With Two Letters written by the late Sir John Cropley, [ed. John Toland]. London, 1721.
Letters of the Earl of Shaftesbury, Author of the Characteristicks, Collected into One Volume. [Glasgow], 1746. Another edn: [s.l.], 1750.
Original Letters of Locke; Algernon Sidney; and Anthony Lord Shaftesbury, Author of the “Characteristicks”, ed. Thomas Forster. London, 1830. 2nd edn London, 1847.
The Life, Unpublished Letters, and Philosophical Regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, Author of the “Characteristicks”, ed. Benjamin Rand. London/New York, 1900, 273-535.
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713) and ‘Le Refuge Français’-Correspondence, ed. Rex A. Barrell. (Studies in British History, 15.) Lewiston/Lampeter/Queenston, 1989.
Translations: Dutch
Een Brief over Geestdryvery uit het Engelsch vertaalt, transl. ?. Rotterdam, 1709.
Translations: French
Lettre sur l’entousiasme, transl. P. A. Samson. La Haye, 1709.
Essai sur l’usage de la raillerie et de l’enjoument dans les conversations qui roulent sur les matieres les plus importantes, transl. Pierre Coste. La Haye, 1710.
Principes de la philosophie morale ou Essai de M. S***. Sur le mérite at la vertu. transl D. Diderot. Amsterdam [Paris], 1745). Modern text: Anthony Ashley Cooper, Essai sur le mérite et la vertu: principes de la philosophie morale [1751], ed. Jean-Pierre Jackson. Paris, 1998.
Lettres sur l’Entousiasme, transl. F.? Lacombe. London, 1761. Shaftesbury’s seven sections appear here as seven letters.
Les Œuvres de Mylord Comte de Shaftesbury. Contenant ses Caracteristicks, ses Lettres, & autres Ouvrages. Traduits de l’Anglois en François sur la dernière édition, 3 vols (Geneva, 1769). Preface (see 2nd edn Amsterdam/Leipzig, 1780) J. B. R. Robinet, transl. [Coste, Diderot and] Jean-Baptiste Pascal. Vol. 3 includes Judgment of Hercules, Letter concerning Design and the letters to Michael Ainsworth. Most recently edited as: Œuvres de Mylord Comte de Shaftesbury, contenant differents ouvrages de Philosophie et de morale traduites de l’Anglais, Genève 1769, introduction and notes Françoise Badelon. Paris, 2002.
Soliloque ou Conseils à un Auteur, transl. M. Sinson. London, 1771.
Mylord Shaftesbury. A Letter Concerning Enthusiasm. Texte anglaise et traduction française, transl. (with introduction and notes) André Leroy. Paris 1930.
Exercices [Askêmata], transl. and notes Laurent Jaffro. Paris 1993.
Soliloque ou conseil à un auteur, transl. D. Lories. Paris 1994.
“Lettre sur l’art et la science du dessin” Revue d’Esthétique, 28 (1995-96), 209-15. Transl. F. Brugère and L. Hariot.
Translations: German
Staats-Paradoxa, welche auff die itzige Conjuncturen in Engelland, und den übrigen Theilen von Evropa, sich wol schicken, und auff Sr. Groß-Britannischen Majestät Königliche, Gottseelige und aller gnädigste Harangue, in Parlament gehalten, sich hauptsächlich gründen. Aus dem Engelländischen übersetzt. [Paradoxes of State, transl. anon.; s.l., s.n.], 1702. §§ I-IX only.
Unterredung mit sich selbst, Oder Unterricht für Schriftsteller, [Soliloquy, transl. Georg Venzky]. Magdeburg and Leipzig, 1738.
Die Sitten-Lehrer oder Erzehlung philosophischer Gespräche, welche die Natur und die Tugend betreffen, [The Moralists, transl. Johann Joachim Spalding]. Berlin, 1745.
Soliloquium von den wahren Eigenschaften eines Schriftstellers, und wie einer solches werden könne, [Soliloquy, reissue, with new title, of the 1738 translation]. Magdeburg and Leipzig, 1746.
Lti Com. Palat. Cæs. und Rats-Herrn der Kayserl. Freyen Reichs-Stadt Hamburg, Irdisches Vergnügen in GOTT, bestehend in Physicalisch- und Moralischen Gedichten [Extract from Moralists, transl. Barthold Hinrich Brockes]. Hamburg, 1746.
Untersuchung über die Tugend, [Inquiry, transl. Johann Joachim Spalding ]. Berlin, 1747
Entwurf der historischen Zeichnung, oder Schilderey, von dem Urtheile des Herkules. Neuer Büchersaal der schönen Wissenschaften und freyen Künste, ed. Johann Christoph Gottsched, vols 7/1 and 2 [Judgment of Hercules, transl. Heinrich Wilhelm von Logau und Altendorf]. Leipzig, 1748.
M. Friedrich Christoph Oetinger, Die Wahrheit des Sensus Communis [oder des allgemeinen Sinnes – add. to 2nd ed.], in den nach dem Grundtext erklärten Sprüchen und Prediger Salomo oder das beste Haus- und Sittenbuch für Gelehrte und Ungelehrte, sammt nüzlichen Anhängen. Stuttgart, 1753. [161-254: transl. of Sensus Communis; 255-68 extracts in German from The Moralists, Inquiry, and Miscellaneous Reflections] 2nd edn Tübingen, 1781; published again (ed. K. Chr. E. Ehmann) Stuttgart, 1861.
Das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen. Eine moralische Wochenschrift [Extract from Miscellaneous Reflections, transl. Johann Georg Schultheß] (Zurich, 1755), 442-4.
Des Grafen von Shaftesbury Betrachtungen über ein historisches Gemälde von dem Urtheil des Hercules, transl. Friedrich Nikolai. Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften und der freyen Künste (Leipzig, 1757), II.1, 1-56. 2nd edn 1762.
Sendschreiben von der Begeisterung an den Mylord. Sensus Communis, ein Versuch über die Freyheit des Witzes und Scherzes, in einem Brief an einen Freund. [Letter concerning Enthusiasm and Sensus Communis, transl. Johann Georg Hamann.] In J. G. H., Sämtliche Werke, ed. Josef Nadler (Vienna, 1952), IV, 131-53; 155-91; 473-80. Translations date from around 1755.
Versuch über die Freyheit des Witzes und der Laune [Sensus Communis (extracts), transl. Moses Mendelssohn]. In M. M., Gesammelte Schriften, Jubiläumsausgabe, Vol. 6,2 (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 1981) 215-23; 346-56; Vol. 5,2 (1991), 287-91.
“Shaftesbury’s Selbstgespräch, oder Lehre für einen Autor.” Unterhaltungen [complete translation of Soliloquy in seven instalments, transl. Christian Heinrich Schmid]. Hamburg, 1767-70. See Dehrmann (2008), 401ff.
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Grafens von Shaftesbury Characteristicks, oder Schilderungen von Menschen, Sitten, Meynungen, und Zeiten, aus dem Englischen übersetzt [transl. Christian August Wichmann; Letter concerning Enthusiasm and Sensus Communis only]. Leipzig, 1768.
“Des Grafen von Shaftesbury Briefe an einen Studenten auf der Universität.” Brittisches Theologisches Magazin, 3,3 (Halle 1772). Transl. (anon.) of the Letters … to a Young Man at the University.
Des Grafen von Shaftesbury philosophische Werke. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt [Characteristicks, transl. Ludwig Heinrich Hölty and Johann Lorenz Benzler]. Leipzig, 1776-79. The translations of A Letter concerning Enthusiasm, The Moralists, Inquiry, and Sensus Communis reprinted in Der gesellige Enthusiast. Philosophische Essays, ed. K.-H. Schwabe. (Leipzig and Weimar 1990).
Über Verdienst und Tugend, ein Versuch von Shaftesbury. Neu bearbeitet und erläutert von Herrn Diderot. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt. Leipzig, 1780. Transl. anon.
Schlosser, Johann Georg. Über Shaftesbury von der Tugend, an Born. Basel, 1785. Partial translation of Inquiry.
Herder, Johann Gottfried. Gott. Einige Gespräche über Spinoza’s System: nebst Shaftesburi’s Naturhymnus. 2nd edn Gotha, 1800, 314-336. Extract from The Moralists; also in Sämmtliche Werke, ed. Bernhard Suphan, Vol 27. Berlin, 1881, 397-406.
Untersuchung über die Tugend, transl. Paul Ziertmann. Leipzig, 1905.
Ein Brief über den Enthusiasmus. Die Moralisten, transl. Max Frischeisen-Köhler. Leipzig 1909. Reprinted with introduction and notes by Wolfgang H. Schrader: Hamburg, 1980.
Die Moralisten, Eine philosophische Rhapsodie, transl. Karl Wolff. Jena 1910.
Translations: Italian
“Esercizi” and “Miscellanee,” L’estetica dell’empirismo inglese, transl. Mario M. Rossi. Florence, 1944.
Saggio sulla virtú e il merito, transl. Eugenio Garin. Turin 1946.
Lettera sull’Entusiasmo, transl. Eugenio Garin. Florence, 1948.
Saggi morali, transl. Paolo Casini. Bari, 1962.
L’etica del sentimento: antologia degli scritti, ed. Armando Plebe. Florence, 1968.
I Moralisti, transl. Paolo Casini. Bari, 1971.
Ironia e fanatismo, antologia degli scritti, ed. Gian Paolo Conti. Torino, 1974.
Soliloquio ovvero Consigli a un autore, transl. Nicoletta Zanardi, ed. Paola Zanardi. Padua, 2000.
I Moralisti, transl. Angela Taraborrelli, notes Andrea Gatti. Palermo, 2003.
Sensus communis: saggio sulla libertà di spirito e di umorismo – lettera a un amico, transl. Gioiella Bruni Roccia. Rome, 2006.
Scritti morali e politici, ed. Angela Taraborrelli. Torino, 2007.
Lettera sul disegno, transl. Francesco Pastorelli. Pisa, 2008.
Una Nozione della Storica Stesura o Tablature del Giudizio di Ercole, Traduzione e note critiche a cura di Alessia Liguori. Rome, 2010.
Translations: Russian
ШЕФТСБЕРИ. Эстетические Опыты, [“Essays on Aesthetics”: introduction, translation, and commentary] А.V. Мikhailov. Moscow, 1975. Translation of The Moralists, A Letter concerning Enthusiasm, Sensus Communis, Soliloquy, and Judgment of Hercules.
Translations: Spanish
Del soliloquio o consejos al escritor, transl. D. A. Sampietro. La Plata (Buenos Aires), 1962.
Sensus communis: Ensayo sobre la libertad de ingenio y humor, transl. Agustin Andreu. Valencia, 1995.
Carta sobre el entusiasmo, transl. Agustin Andreu. Barcelona, 1997.
Investigación sobre la virtud o el mérito, transl. Agustin Andreu. Madrid, 1997.
Los Moralistas, transl. J. V. Arregui and Pablo Arnau. Barcelona, 1997.