Chair of English Linguistics

At the chair of English linguistics, we have a keen interest in analyzing the English language: its structure, its functional use as well as its historical development. We understand language as a complex adaptive system (CAS) that is constantly changing and we are fascinated by the cognitive and communicative mechanisms that influence its shape and the linguistic behavior of its speakers. Our research is cognitive-functional and we especially focus on Syntax, the Lexicon and Semantics. We are not only investigating Present Day English and its variation, but also the older language stages of English from Old English to Early Modern English.
All members of the chair subscribe to a usage-based, cognitive constructional approach to Language (Cognitive Construction Grammar, CxG) (e.g. Goldberg 2006; Bybee 2010; Traugott & Trousdale 2013; Diessel 2019; Sommerer & Smirnova 2020; Croft 2022). In our research and teaching we also focus on Grammaticalization, Lexicalization, Subjectification, Metaphors and Metaphorization, Phraseology (Collocations & Idioms), Nouns and the English Noun Phrase, Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases, Word Order phenomena, and Clause Connection. Especially with the needs of future teachers in mind we also offer courses on Contrastive Linguistics and Lexicography.