Shaftesbury Scholarship 1850 to present day
Shaftesbury Scholarship 1850 to present day (alphabetical)
Corrections and suggestions always welcome.
AGNEW, Jean-Christophe. “The Spectacle of the Market.” Worlds Apart: The Market and the Theater in Anglo-American Thought, 1550-1750 (Cambridge, 1986), pp. 149-94 (esp. 162-9).
AGNEW, Lois Peters. “Eighteenth-Century Common Sense and Sensus Communis.” Outward Visible Propriety: Stoic Philosophy and Eighteenth-Century British Rhetorics (Columbia, 2008), pp. 55-84.
ALBEE, Ernest. “The Relation of Shaftesbury and Hutcheson to Utilitarianism.” The Philosophical Review, 5 (1896), 25-35.
ALBEE, Ernest. A History of English Utilitarianism. London, 1901.
ALBEE, Ernest. “Review of Second Characters, or the Language of Forms, ed. Benjamin Rand.” The Philosophical Review, 25 (1916), 182-87.
ALBERSMEYER-BINGEN, Helga. Common Sense: ein Beitrag zur Wissenssoziologie. Berlin and Munich, 1986.
ALBERT, Claudia. “Review of Mark-Georg Dehrmann, Das ‘Orakel der Deisten’: Shaftesbury und die deutsche Aufklärung.” Weimarer Beiträge, 56 (2010), 157.
ALDERMAN, William E. “Influence of Shaftesbury on English Literature of the Eighteenth Century.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1920.
ALDERMAN, William E. “The Significance of Shaftesbury in English Speculation.” Publications of the Modern Language Association, 38 (1923), 175-95.
ALDERMAN, William E. “The Style of Shaftesbury.” Modern Language Notes, 38 (1923), 209-15.
ALDERMAN, William E. “Bibliographical Evidence of the Vogue of Shaftesbury in the Eighteenth Century.” Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 21 (1924), 57-70.
ALDERMAN, William E. “Shaftesbury and the Doctrine of Moral Sense in the Eighteenth Century.” Publications of the Modern Language Association, 46 (1931), 1087-94.
ALDERMAN, William E. “Shaftesbury and the Doctrine of Benevolence in the Eighteenth Century.” Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, 26 (1931), 137-59.
ALDERMAN, William E. “Shaftesbury and the Doctrine of Optimism in the Eighteenth Century.” Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, 28 (1933), 151-59.
ALDERMAN, William E. “English Editions of Shaftesbury’s Characteristics.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 61 (1967), 315-34.
ALDERMAN, William E. “Pope’s Essay on Man and Shaftesbury’s The Moralists.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 67 (1973), 131-40.
ALDERMAN, William E. “The Influence of the Writings of the Third Earl of Shaftesbury on the Literature of the Eighteenth Century.” Unpubl. MS at University of Wisconsin.
ALDERMAN, William E. “Pope and Shaftesbury.” Unpubl. MS at Miami University.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Lord Shaftesbury’s Literary Theories.” Philological Quarterly, 24 (1945), 46-64.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury and the Test of Truth.” Publications of the Modern Language Association, 60 (1945), 129-56.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury’s Earliest Critic.” Modern Philology, 44 (1946), 10-22.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Henry Needler’s Knowledge of Shaftesbury.” Modern Language Notes, 62 (1947), 264-67.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Franklin’s ‘Shaftesburian’ Dialogues Not Franklin’s: A Revision of the Franklin Canon.” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, 21 (1949), 151-59.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury, Christianity, and Friendship.” Anglican Theological Review, 32 (1950), 121-36.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Two Versions of Shaftesbury’s Inquiry Concerning Virtue.” Huntington Library Quarterly, 13 (1950), 207-14.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury and the Deist Manifesto.” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge, 41 (1951), 297-385.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury and Bolingbroke.” Philological Quarterly, 31 (1952), 1-16.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury and the Classics.” Gesellschaft, Kultur, Literatur: Rezeption und Originalität im Wachsen einer europäischen Literatur und Geistigkeit – Beiträge Luitpold Wallach gewidmet, ed. Karl Bosl (Stuttgart, 1975), pp. 241-58.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury’s Rosicrucian Ladies.” Anglia, 103 (1985), 297-319.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Review of Robert B. Voitle, The Third Earl of Shaftesbury, 1671-1713.” Eighteenth-Century Studies, 19 (1985-86), 257-259.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Variants in Shaftesbury’s Letter Concerning Enthusiasm.” Anglia, 113 (1995), 16-25.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Shaftesbury, Rosicrucianism, and Links with Voltaire.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 23 (1996), 393-401.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “Third Earl of Shaftesbury.” Key Writers on Art: From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century, ed. Chris Murray (London, 2003), 110-15.
ALDRIDGE, Alfred Owen. “St Paul and Shaftesbury.” Unpubl. article, 12 paginated Manuscript-pages.
ALLEN, Stuart. “Shaftesbury, Wordsworth and Affective Critique.” Wordsworth and the Passions of Critical Poetics (London, 2010), pp. 1-24.
ALMER, T .Studier i Shaftesbury filosofi. Lund, 1939.
ALVAREZ, David. “Reason and Religious Tolerance: Mary Astell’s Critique of Shaftesbury.” Eighteenth-Century Studies, 44 (2011), 475-94.
ALVAREZ, David. “Difference and Enlightenment Violence: Locke, Shaftesbury, and Hutcheson (review of Daniel Carey, Locke, Shaftesbury, and Hutcheson: Contesting Diversity in the Enlightenment and Beyond)” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 53 (2012), 113-18.
ALVAREZ, David. “Reading Locke after Shaftesbury: Feeling Our Way Towards a Postsecular Genealogy of Religious Tolerance.” Mind, Body, Motion, Matter: Eighteenth-Century British and French Literary Perspectives, eds Mary Helen Mcmurran and Alison Conway (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016), pp. 72-109.
AMBACH, Ernst Ludwig. Der Gesellschaftsvertrag und der dauernde Consensus in der englischen Moralphilosophie. Gießen, 1934.
AMIR, Lydia B. “The Role of the Teacher in Philosophers’ Self-Education.” Lust am Logos, eds Thomas Gutknecht, Heidemarie Bennent-Vahle, and Thomas Polednitschek (Berlin, 2011), pp. 143-84.
AMIR, Lydia B. Humor and the Good Life in Modern Philosophy: Shaftesbury, Hamann, Kierkegaard (Albany, State University of New York Press, 2014).
ANCESCHI, L. “Shaftesbury, o un riscatto estetico della metafisica.” Da Bacone a Kant: Saggi di estetica (Bologna, 1972), pp. 147-71.
ANDERSON, Douglas. The Radical Enlightenments of Benjamin Franklin (Baltimore, I997), esp. introduction and chap. I.
ANDREU, Agustín Rodrigo. “Shaftesbury y el Pascal inglés.” Materiales para una Filosofia de la réligion, eds Gómez Caffarena and J. M. Mardones (Barcelona and Madrid, 1992), pp. 9-34.
ANDREU, Agustín Rodrigo. Shaftesbury: Crisis de la civilización puritana. Valencia, 2005.
ANSELMENT, Raymond A. “Socrates and The Clouds: Shaftesbury and a Socratic Tradition.” Journal of the History of Ideas, 39 (1978), 171-82.
APRESSYAN, Ruben G. “Emotsional’ nye mekhanizmy nravstvennosti [The Emotional Mechanisms of Morality].” Voprosy Filosofii, 5 (1981), 113-24.
APRESSYAN, Ruben G. Ethical Sentimentalism (Shaftesbury and Hutcheson). Moscow, 1986.
ARBER, Edward, ed. The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709 A.D., With a Number for Easter Term, 1711 A.D.: A Contemporary Bibliography of English Literature in the Reigns of Charles II, James II, etc. London, 1906.
ARNAU, Pablo. “Shaftesbury: el problema del mal y la estética.” Thémata, 12 (1994), 119-32.
ARNAU, Pablo. “La aparición histórica del concepto de actitud estética: el desinterés como criterio de juicio en Shaftesbury.” Thémata, 18 (1997), 161-70.
ARNAU, Pablo. “Ciencias humanas y cuidado de sí: el conde de Shaftesbury : Una aproximación foucaltiana.” Concepciones y narrativas del yo, eds J. V. Arregui, M. J. Dominguez Caneda, and J. A. Garcia Gonzales, Thémata, 22 (1999), 9-15.
ARNOLD, H. P. Historic Side-Lights (New York and London, 1899), pp. 216-86.
ARONSON, Jason. “Shaftesbury on Locke.” American Political Science Review, 53 (1959), 1101-4.
ARREGUI, Jorge V. and Pablo Arnau. “Shaftesbury: Father or Critic of Modern Aesthetics?” British Journal of Aesthetics, 34 (1994), 350-62.
ARREGUI, Jorge V. “La teologia de la belleza en Shaftesbury y Hutcheson.” Thémata, 13 (1995), 11-35.
ARREGUI, Jorge V. “La téléologie de la nature chez Shaftesbury et Hutcheson.” Shaftesbury: Philosophie et politesse, eds F. Brugère and M. Malherbe (Paris, 2000), pp. 187-211.
ARREGUI, Jorge V. and Pablo Arnau. “Relación de las fuentes de la estética británica del siglo XVIII.” Contrastes, 5 (2000), 347-83.
ASCOLI, G. “L’affaire des prophètes français à Londres.” Revue du dix-huitième siècle, 3 (1916), 8-28 and 85-109.
ASSMAN, A. “Die Domestikation des Lesens: drei historische Beispiele.” Lili: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 15 (1985), 95-110.
AUTREY, Max Lavon. “The Shaftesbury-Mandeville Debate and Its Influence in America.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, Wayne State University, 1965 (Abstr. in DA, XXX, 27IA).
AYMES, J. G. The English Literary Periodical of Morals and Manners. Athens, Ohio, 1904.
AYRES, Philip. Classical Culture and the Idea of Rome in Eighteenth-Century England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997).
BABOLIN, A. “Morale e religione in Shaftesbury.” Rivista di filosofia neoscolastica, 4 (1984), 560-68.
BACVAROV, M. and L. Latev. “[Publication of two inedita by Ivan A. Georgov on Shaftesbury and Toland, Russian].” Filosofska Misal, 42 (1986), 91-103.
BACHARACH, Armand. Shaftesburys Optimismus und sein Verhältnis zum Leibnizschen. Strasbourg, 1912.
BACHARACH, Armand. “Shaftesbury und sein Einfluß auf das deutsche Geistesleben.” Frankfurter Zeitung, 46 (15 February 1913: 1st morning edn), 2-3.
BADELON, Françoise. “Entre satire et humour: Shaftesbury et le théâtre élisabethain.” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 2 (1999), 161-72.
BADELON, Françoise. “Enthousiasme, fanatisme et mélancolie selon Shaftesbury.” Shaftesbury: Philosophie et politesse, eds F. Brugère and M. Malherbe (Paris, 2000), pp. 13-30.
BADELON, Françoise. “Ecriture et enthousiasme sociable selon Shaftesbury.” L’Euphorie: Arts plastiques, cinéma, philosophie, ed. J.Gilles (Paris, 2000), pp. 23-40.
BADELON, Françoise. “Son pittor anch’io: traduction et composition chez Diderot.” La Lettre clandestine, 9 (2000), 227-41.
BADELON, Françoise. “L’épicurisme selon Shaftesbury: fébrifuge ou imposture.” Revue du Dix-Huitième siècle, 35 (2003), 141-55.
BADELON, Françoise. “Le stoïcisme flegmatique de Shaftesbury.” Le magazine littéraire, 461 (2007), 47-49.
BAIER, Angela. “I feel, I feel the Deity within” – Händels Oratorien und ihr Publikum. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Universität Oldenburg, 2010. (especially pp. 138-93 and 285-89).
BÁLINT, Gárdos. “Shaftesbury termeszetfogalmanak esztetikai es politikai jelentösege.”
BANDINI, Luigi. “Bene, virtu e senso morale nello Shaftesbury.” Logos, 10 (1927), 28-42.
BANDINI, Luigi. Shaftesbury: Etica e Religione – La Morale del Sentimento. Bari, 1930.
BARBER, W. H. “Pierre Bayle, Benjamin Furly and Quakerism.” De l’humanisme aux Lumières: Bayle et le protestantisme – Mélanges en l’honneur de l’Élisabeth Labrousse (Paris and Oxford, 1996), pp. 623-34.
BARKER-BENFIELD, G. J. The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Chicago and London, 1992.
BARKHAUSEN, Jochen. “Shaftesbury: Die Theorie des Sentimentalismus.” Die Vernunft des Sentimentalismus: Untersuchungen zur Entstehung der Empfindsamkeit und empfindsamen Komödie in England (Tübingen, 1983), pp. 188-225.
BARNES, A. Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736) et la république des lettres. Paris, 1938.
BARREL, John. The Political Theory of Painting from Reynolds to Hazlitt. New Haven and London, 1986.
BARREL, John. “The Dangerous Goddess: Masculinity, Prestige and the Aesthetic in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain.” The Birth of Pandora and the Division of Knowledge (London, 1992), pp. 63-87.
BARRELL, Rex A. A. A. Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713) and ‘Le Refuge Français’-Correspondence. Studies in British History 15. Lewiston, 1989.
BASU, S. “Woe unto you that laugh now!: Humor and Toleration in Overton and Shaftesbury.” Religious Toleration: ‘The Variety of Rites’ from Cyrus to Defoe, ed. J. C. Laursen (New York, 1999), pp. 147-72.
BATTENFELD, Katja and Melinda Palmer Kolb: “Protestant Ethics and the ‘Moral Sense’ in the Mid-Eighteenth-Century Novel: C. F. Gellert’s Leben der schwedischen Gräfinn von G**** in Mary Collyer’s English Translation.” Aufklärung, 22 (2010), 233-60.
BAUDOT, Laura. “What Not to Avoid in Swift’s ‘The Lady’s Dressing Room.’” Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 49 (2009), 637-66.
BAUM, Angelica. “Aufgeklärte Mütter – tugendhafte Freude: Gefühl und Geschlecht in der Tugendlehre Shaftesburys.” Tugend, Vernunft und Gefühl: Geschlechterdiskurse der Aufklärung und weibliche Lebenswelten, eds Elke Kleinau, Claudia Opitz, and Ulrike Weckel (Münster, 2000), pp. 63-83.
BAUM, Angelica. “Selbstvergewisserung und innerer Dialog in Shaftesburys philosophischen Tagebüchern.” Von der dargestellten Person zum erinnerten Ich: europäische Selbstzeugnisse als historische Quellen (1500-1800), eds Kaspar von Greyerz, Hans Medick, and Patrice Veit (Cologne, 2001), pp. 199-209.
BAUM, Angelica. Selbstgefühl und reflektierte Neigung: Ästhetik und Ethik bei Shaftesbury. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 2001.
BAUM, Angelica. “Review of Dirk Großklaus, Natürliche Religion und aufgeklärte Gesellschaft: Shaftesburys Verhältnis zu den Cambridge Platonists.” Anglia, 120 (2002), 283-86.
BAUM, Angelica and Ursula Renz. “Shaftesbury: Emotionen im Spiegel reflexiver Neigung.” Klassische Emotionstheorien: von Platon bis Wittgenstein, eds Hilge Landweer, Ursula Renz, and Alexander Brung (Berlin and New York, 2008), pp. 351-70.
BAUR-CALLWEY, Marcella. “John Clostermans Doppelporträt Lord Shaftesburys und seines Bruders Maurice-Ashley.” Die Differenzierung des gemeinsamen männlichen Doppelportraits in England von Hans Holbein d. J. Bis Joshua Reynolds (Munich, 2007), pp. 120-25.
BAYER, Thora Ilin. “Vico’s Principle of Sensus Communis and Forensic Eloquence.” Chicago-Kent Law Review, 83 (2008), 1131-55.
BEARDSLEY, M. C. “The Problem of Taste: Shaftesbury to Hume.” Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Present (Alabama, 1966), pp. 173-83.
BELL-VILLADA, G. H. “The Idea of Art for Art’s Sake: Intellectual Origins, Social Conditions and Poetic Doctrine.” Science and Society, 50 (1986-1987), 415-39.
BENDA, Wolfram. Der Philosoph als literarischer Künstler: esoterische und satirische Elemente bei Lord Shaftesbury, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von ‘Soliloquy, or Advice to an Author’. Erlangen, 1982.
BERNIER, Marc André. “Review of Fabienne Brugère, Théorie de l’art et philosophie de la sociabilité selon Shaftesbury.” Dalhousie French Studies, 61 (2002), 157-59.
BERNSTEIN, John Andrew. “Shaftesbury’s Identification of the Good with the Beautiful.” Eighteenth-Century Studies, 10 (1977), 304-25.
BERNSTEIN, John Andrew. “Shaftesbury’s Reformation of the Reformation: Reflections on the Relation between Deism and Pauline Christianity.” Journal of Religious Ethics, 6 (1978), 257-78.
BERNSTEIN, John Andrew. Shaftesbury, Rousseau and Kant: An Introduction to the Conflict between Aesthetic and Moral Values in Modern Thought. Rutherford, 1980.
BERNSTEIN, John Andrew. “Shaftesbury’s Optimism and Eighteenth-Century Social Thought.” Anticipations of the Enlightenment in England, France, and Germany, eds Alan Charles Kors and Paul J. Korshin (Philadelphia, 1987), pp. 86-101.
BERTOLOZZI, Melvin Ralph. “Joseph Addison: Mr Spectator and the Man of Taste.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, University of California, 1972 (Abstr. in DA, 34, 266A-7A).
BIERENS DE HAAN, Johannes Diderik. “De Beteekenis van Shaftesbury in de Engelsche Ethick.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1891.
BILLICSICH, Friedrich. “Shaftesbury.” Das Problem des Übels in der Philosophie des Abendlandes (Vienna and Cologne, 1962), II: Von Eckehart bis Hegel, 171-80.
BILLIG, Michael. Laughter and Ridicule: Towards a Social Critique of Humour (London, 2005), esp. pp. 74-82.
BILLIG, Michael. The Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology: Understanding the Impact of Locke, Shaftesbury and Reid. London, 2008.
BIZIOU, Michaël. “La Philosophie pratique des essayistes britanniques du XVIIIe siècle: Shaftesbury, Addison, Bolingbroke, Hume.” L’Essai: Métamorphoses d’un genre, ed. Pierre Glaudes (Toulouse, 2002), pp. 279-97.
BIZIOU, Michaël. Le concept de système dans la tradition anglo-écossaise des sentiments moraux, 1699-1795: De la metaphysique à l’économie politique (Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Hume, Smith). Lille, 2004.
BIZIOU, Michaël. Shaftesbury: Le sens moral. Paris, 2005.
BOEDER, H. “Eine Bewegung der mundanen Vernunft.” Abhandlungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 48 (1997), 221-50.
BOEKER, Ruth. “Shaftesbury on Persons, Personal Identity and Character Development”. Philosophy Compass, 13 (2018): e12471. doi:
10.1111/phc3.12471. Full text.
BÖHM, Benno. Sokrates im 18. Jahrhundert: Studien zum Werdegang des modernen Persönlichkeitsbewusstseins. Neumünster, 1966 [1929].
BOHLING, Horst. “Eine humanistische Version des Konsensus-Gedankens bei Shaftesbury.” Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, Munich, 1973.
BOLLACHER, Martin. “Review of Mark-Georg Dehrmann, Das ‘Orakel der Deisten’: Shaftesbury und die deutsche Aufklärung.” Germanistik, 50 (2009), 771-72.
BONAR, James. “Shaftesbury” and “Critics of Shaftesbury.” Moral Sense (New York, 1930), pp. 17-69.
BOTHE-Scharf, Monika. “Beiträge Shaftesburys zum philosophischen Diskurs der englischen und schottischen Aufklärung” and “Die Theorie des moral sense.” Moral und Gentleman-Ideal: Periodical Essays und moralphilosophischer Diskurs der frühen britischen Aufklärung (Göttingen, 2012), pp. 39-66.
BOYER Jr, Ernest. “Schleiermacher, Shaftesbury, and the German Enlightenment.” Harvard Theological Review, 96 (2003), 181-204.
BOYLE, Nicholas. “Shaftesbury’s Religion of the Wise.” Notes & Queries, 26 (1979), 25-26.
BOYSON, Rowan. “Poetical Stoical Shaftesbury.” The Poetic Enlightenment: Poetry and Human Science, 1650-1820, eds Tom Jones and Rowan Boyson (London, 2013), pp. 89-103.
BRAEM, Jean-Marc. “Diderot traducteur de l’Inquiry Concerning Virtue, or Merit.” Études sur le XVIII siècle, eds Roland Mortier and Hervé Hasquier (Brussels, 1981), pp. 7-23.
BRAINARD, M. “Minding One’s Manners: On the ‘Moral Architecture’ of Shaftesbury’s Characteristicks.” Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 6 (2001), 217-38.
BRANCH, Lori. “‘True Enthusiasm’: Moral Sense Philosophy and Fissures of the Secular Self in Shaftesbury’s Private Writings” and “Coda to Chapter 3: ‘Divide Yourself, be Two’ – Images of the Modern Subject.” Rituals of Spontaneity: Sentiment and Secularism from Free Prayer to Wordsworth (Waco, Texas, 2006), pp. 91-134.
BRANCHI, Andrea. “Shaftesbury e Mandeville.” Il Gentleman Filosofo: Nuovi saggi su Shaftesbury, eds Giancarlo Carabelli and Paola Zanardi (Padova, 2003), pp. 175-92.
BREDVOLD, Louis I. “The Tendency towards Platonism in Neoclassical Aesthetics.” Journal of English Literary History, 1 (1934), 91-119.
BREDVOLD, Louis I. The Natural History of Sensibility. Detroit, 1962.
BREDVOLD, Louis I. “The Philosophy of Sensibility: Shaftesbury.” The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798 (London, 1962), pp. 95-98.
BRETT, Raymond Laurence. “The Third Earl of Shaftesbury as a Literary Critic.” Modern Language Review, 37 (1942), 131-42.
BRETT, Raymond Laurence. The Third Earl of Shaftesbury: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Literary Theory. London, 1951.
BRETT, Raymond Laurence. La Filosofia de Shaftesbury y la estetica literaria del siglo CVIII, transl. by Jack Rush (Cordoba, 1959).
BREWER, Daniel. “The Philosophical Dialogue and the Forcing of Truth.” Modern Language Notes, 98 (1983), 1234-47.
BRISTOL, John Roblin Murray. “The Nature and Function of the Moral Sense in the Ethical Philosophies of Shaftesbury and Hutcheson.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1970.
BROADBENT, J. B. “Shaftesbury’s Horses of Instruction.” The English Mind: Studies in the English Moralists Presented to Basil Willey, eds. Hugh Sykes Davis and George Watson (Cambridge, 1964), pp. 79-89.
BROOKE, Christopher. “From Hobbes to Shaftesbury.” Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought from Lipsius to Rousseau (Princeton and Oxford, 2012), pp. 101-26.
BROOKS, Garland P. “Shaftesbury and the Psychological School of Ethics.” Dalhousie Review, 62 (1982), 431-40.
BROOME, J. H. “An Agent in Anglo-French Relationships, Pierre Des Maizeaux.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, University of London, 1951.
BROSSMANN, Regine. “Review of Alexandra Kleihues, Der Dialog als Form: Analysen zu Shaftesbury, Diderot, Madame d’Epinay und Voltaire.” Philologie im Netz, 28 (2004), 71-89.
BROWN, K. L. “Fleshing Out Economic Man: The Utilitarian Dilemma in Historical Perspective.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1994.
BROWN, Leslie Ellen. “The Idea of Life as a Work of Art in Scottish Enlightenment Discourse.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 24 (1995), 51-67.
BROWN, Louis F. The First Earl of Shaftesbury. New York, 1933.
BRUGÈRE, Fabienne. “Esthétique e ressemblance chez Shaftesbury.” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 4 (1995), 517-31.
BRUGÈRE, Fabienne. “Philosophie de la nature et communauté chez Shaftesbury et Toland.” Revue de Synthèse, 2-3 (1995), 303-14.
BRUGÈRE, Fabienne. “Shaftesbury: Esquisse d’un manifeste théiste dans l’Enquête.” Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 187 (1997), 9-19.
BRUGÈRE, Fabienne. Théorie de l’art et philosophie de la sociabilité selon Shaftesbury. Paris, 1999.
BRUGÈRE, Fabienne. “Temps présent et actualité selon Shaftesbury.” Shaftesbury: Philosophie et politesse, eds F. Brugère and M. Malherbe (Paris, 2000), pp. 93-115.
BRUGÈRE, Fabienne. “Le thème stoïcien de la nature selon Shaftesbury.” Stoïcisme antique et droit naturel modern, eds Valéry Laurand and Jean Terrel (Bordeaux, 2003), pp. 85-104.
BRUGÈRE, Fabienne. L’expérience de la beauté: Essai sur la banalisation du beau au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, 2006.
BRUNI Roccia, Gioiella. “La filosofia come ‘cura di sé’: A proposito di Shaftesbury.” Né sacra né profana: La meditazione tra linguaggi filosofici e letterari, ed. Benedetta Papasogli (Rome, 2006), pp. 139-62.
BRUNI Roccia, Gioiella. “Shaftesbury e l’educazione al dialogo nel Settecento inglese.” Quaderno del Dipartimento di Letterature Comparate, 5 (2009), 311-18.
BRUNO, Paul William. “The Concept of Genius: Its Origin and Function in Kant’s Third Critique.” Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 60 (2000), 3392-93.
BULCKAEN, Denise, ed. L’Enthousiasme dans le monde anglo-americain aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Nanterre, 1991.
BULLARD, Paddy. “The Meaning of the ‘Sublime and Beautiful’: Shaftesburian Contexts and Rhetorical Issues in Edmund Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry.” Review of English Studies, 56 (2005), 169-91.
BURROWS, Barry M. “Shaftesbury and Cosmic Toryism: An Alternative World View.” Unpubl. Ph. D. thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1973.
BURROWS, Barry M. “Whig versus Tory: A Genuine Difference?” Political Theory, 4 (1976), 455-69.
BUTLER, Lance St. John. “Fielding and Shaftesbury Reconsidered: The Case of Tom Jones.” Henry Fielding: Justice Observed, ed. K. G. Simpson (London and Totowa, New Jersey, 1985), pp. 56-74.
BUTZER, Günter. “Selbstgespräch des Genies: Artifizieller Enthusiasmus (Shaftesbury).” Soliloquium: Theorie und Geschichte des Selbstgesprächs in der europäischen Literatur (Munich, 2008), pp. 329-41.
CAMBIANO, Giuseppe. “Shaftesbury e la politica degli antichi.” Il Gentleman Filosofo: Nuovi saggi su Shaftesbury, eds Giancarlo Carabelli and Paola Zanardi (Padova, 2003), pp. 81-110.
CAPALDI, Nicholas. “Hume’s Predecessors (Cudworth, Clarke, Hobbes, Locke, Mandeville, Shaftesbury, Butler, and Hutcheson).” Hume’s Place in Moral Philosophy (New York, 1989), pp. 6-19.
CARABELLI, G. Tolandiana: Materiali bibliografici per lo studio dell’opera e della fortuna di John Toland (1670- 1722). Florence, 1975.
CARABELLI, G. Errata, addenda e indici. Ferrare, 1978.
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