Administration Offices


Stephen Koetzing

Room: Room C5A0
Office Hours:

Mon-Wed 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


American Studies: Culture and Literature (Prof. Paul)

Annemarie Heuermann


Department of English and American Studies
Chair of American Studies (Prof. Dr. Paul)

Room: Room C 404
Office hours:

Mon and Wed, 9:00am-14:30pm
Tue and Thu, 9:00am-13:00pm

American Studies: Literature (Prof. Kley)

Anke Tänzler


Department of English and American Studies
Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik, insbesondere Literaturwissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Kley)

Room: Room B7A2
Office Hours:

Tue 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

English Studies: Culture and Literature (Prof. Lillge)

Evelin Werner-Kretschmar

Department of English and American Studies
Chair of English Cultural and Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Claudia Lillge)

Room: Room C4A5
Office Hours:

Tue and Wed, 10.30 am - 3.30 pm

English Studies: Literature (Prof. Böhm-Schnitker)

Karin Kottenhahn

Department of English and American Studies
Chair of English Literature

Room: Room C3A4
Office Hours: Our offices will be closed until October 10 due to renovation work. If you would like to make an appointment, please send me an e-mail first.

English Linguistics (Prof. Dąbrowska, Prof. Klotz, Prof. Uhrig)

Please get in touch with the secretariat by e-mail to:

Barbara Gabel-Cunningham

Department of English and American Studies
Lehrstuhl für Language und Cognition (Alexander von Humboldt-Professur)

Room: Room 3.009
Office hours:

Wed + Thur: 9:30 am—3 pm
Please reach out by e-mail beforehand.

Dagmar Mijat, M.A.

Department of English and American Studies
English Linguistics

Room: Room C5A5
Office hours:

From August 1st to October 11th, please find me at Bismarckstr. 6, room 3.009,
Mon+Tue: 10 am—12 am.

Please reach out by e-mail beforehand.