
Taking an examination of US-American reeducation policies in Germany and Japan after World War II from a comparative and transnational perspective as its point of departure the conference broadens the focus beyond this specific geographical constellation and beyond the period of the immediate postwar to problematize and discuss the concept of “reeducation” in a broader sense.

Category: American Studies, Conferences, Department, Events, News

The changing media environment of the English Restoration brought forth a sizeable increase in various forms of literary culture, including the birth of large-scale periodical publishing and the ready availability of the letter. Contrary to the widely held consensus that the letter promoted reliability, recent scholarship has stressed the form’s deconstructive potential, allowing both readers and writers to reflect on the mediated nature of writing and the tenuous relationship between sign and reality.

Category: Conferences, Department, English Studies, Events

The international conference "The Constructionist Challenge" will take place 17-19 October 2019 to mark the opening of the FAU Linguistics Lab. Speakers from Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, the UK and the US will discuss the state of the art in construction grammar after thirty years of resea...

Category: Conferences, Department, Events, Linguistics, News, Research

On 4 and 5 October 2019 the Department of English and American Studies will host the conference “Locating Intersections of Medicine and Mobility in 19th-Century Britain” with many renowned speakers from Austria, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. At the centre of discussion will be the literary, cultural and historical processes through which medicine and mobility were intertwined and reconfigured in Great Britain in the 19thcentury.