Taking an examination of US-American reeducation policies in Germany and Japan after World War II from a comparative and transnational perspective as its point of departure the conference broadens the focus beyond this specific geographical constellation and beyond the period of the immediate postwar to problematize and discuss the concept of “reeducation” in a broader sense.
The Department of English and American Studies congratulates Prof. Dr. Heike Paul on receiving the Bayerischer Maximiliansorden für Wissenschaft und Kunst, the state of Bavaria's highest award. The laudation honors her as one of the most important Americanists in Germany...
From November 5 to November 20, 2021 Erlangen's Black History Weeks will take place as a series of individual events. This year's events place their focus on racism in art and culture...
Over the course of this summer term, graduate seminars at Passau University, LMU Munich, and FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg have explored questions of structural racism in the context of the welfare state, higher education, and popular culture. The conference that will take place virtually on July 23/24, 20...
Der 11. September 2001: (K)eine Zeitenwende?
Die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 liegen in diesem Jahr 20 Jahre zurück, ihre Folgen weltweit und damit auch für Deutschland sind bis heute präsent...
Our departmental library has reopened. Currently, no more than 20 persons may visit the library at a time. If you plan to study at or work from the library for a longer period of time, you must register at the counter and fill out a contact tracing form.
Everyone is welcome to join us for a screening and discussion of these popular and critically acclaimed TV shows! The selected shows engage with the topic “law and order” in a broad sense:
This virtual lecture series brings together scholars from around the globe in a series of talks. Project fellow Mark Kelley (Florida International University) will kick off the series on November 12th, 2020 with a talk titled „Alone, Together: Feeling Through 19th-Century Sailors in Eras of Global Isolation.“
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all winter term classes will be taught online. This applies also to the introductory events for first-semester students, which will be held at the beginning of the winter term.