American Studies

"Global Melodrama – Das Melodram im Weltkino" is a film series organized in cooperation with the Filmhaus Nürnberg. Starting May 20, the series features 10 films from classical Hollywood to contemporary melodrama. Introduced by renowned experts, the films will be shown in the original language versi...

Category: American Studies, English Studies, Events, News

Taking an examination of US-American reeducation policies in Germany and Japan after World War II from a comparative and transnational perspective as its point of departure the conference broadens the focus beyond this specific geographical constellation and beyond the period of the immediate postwar to problematize and discuss the concept of “reeducation” in a broader sense.

Category: American Studies, Conferences, Department, Events, News

Der 11. September 2001: (K)eine Zeitenwende? Die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 liegen in diesem Jahr 20 Jahre zurück, ihre Folgen weltweit und damit auch für Deutschland sind bis heute präsent...

Category: American Studies, News