Prof. Dr. Judith Huber
Prof. Dr. Judith Huber
Research interests:
language variation and change; historical syntax and lexicology; cognitive linguistics; language contact
[March 2022] I’m leaving FAU for a position at LMU Munich in April 2022. The address will still be functional; the new one is
[January 2022] We’ve founded a brand new open-access series Advances in Historical Linguistics with Language Science Press and are looking forward to receiving exciting proposals for monographs and edited volumes.
Student information:
Sie studieren Gymnasiallehramt und überlegen, das sprachwissenschaftliche Examen im Fach Englisch in Alt- oder Mittelenglisch zu schreiben? Hier einige hilfreiche Hinweise.
Conference “Intra-writer variation in historical sociolinguistics”, 17-19 March 2021:
For more information, see the conference website
Academic CV
since 2017 | assistant professor in English linguistics (with focus on historical linguistics and language variation), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (positive Evaluation – “Zwischenevaluation” – in May 2020) |
2013-2017 | lecturer in English linguistics and medieval literature, LMU Munich (chair Prof. Ursula Lenker) |
2013 | Ph.D. LMU Munich (thesis: Motion and the English verb – a diachronic study) |
2008-2013 | junior lecturer in English Linguistics, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (chair Prof. Ursula Lenker) |
2002-2007 | studied English and Romance linguistics and literature and pedagogy in Hamburg (2002-2004) and Munich (2004-2007)
2017. Motion and the English Verb. A Diachronic Study. [Oxford Studies in the History of English]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Reviewed by Richard Ingham in Anglia, by Claudio Iacobini in Language, and by Xinhua Yuan in Journal of Linguistics .
Edited volume
Lenker, Ursula, Judith Huber & Robert Mailhammer (eds). 2010. English Historical Linguistics 2008: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 15), Munich, 24–30 August 2008. Volume I: The History of English Verbal and Nominal Constructions. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 314). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2022. [with Christine Elsweiler]. Loss of number in the English second person pronoun: A change for the worse, but due to a change for the better? Language Change for the Worse [Studies in Diversity Linguistics]. Ed. Dankmar Enke, Larry Hyman, Johanna Nichols, Guido Seiler & Thilo Weber. Berlin: Language Science Press.
2021. Of travels and travails: The role of semantic typology, argument structure constructions, and language contact in semantic change. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 9: 71–94.
2019. Counterfactuality and aktionsart: Predictors for BE vs. HAVE + past participle in Middle English. Developments in English historical morpho-syntax. Ed. Claudia Claridge & Birte Bös. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 149–173.
2018. Gehören, gehorchen, verstehen, aufhören: Polysemie und Bedeutungswandel bei ‚(Zu-)Hören”. (Zu-)Hören Interdisziplinär. Ed. Magdalena Zorn & Ursula Lenker. München: Allitera. 57–72.
2017. The early life of borrowed path verbs in English. Motion and Space across Languages: Theory and Applications. (= Human Cognitive Processing 59). Ed. Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 177–204.
2013. Caused-motion verbs in the Middle English intransitive motion construction. Variation and Change in the Encoding of Motion Events. (= Human Cognitive Processing 41). Ed. Juliana Goschler & Anatol Stefanowitsch. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 203–222.
2012. No man entreth in or out: How are typologically unsuitable loanverbs integrated into English?. English Historical Linguistics 2010. Selected Papers from the Sixteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 16), Pécs, 23–27 August 2010. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 325). Ed. Irén Hegedüs & Alexandra Fodor. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 327–345.
2010. [with Ursula Lenker & Robert Mailhammer] Introduction: Capturing and explaining syntactic change in the history of English. English Historical Linguistics 2008. Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 15), Munich, 24–30 August 2008. Volume I: The History of English Verbal and Nominal Constructions (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 314). Ed. Ursula Lenker, Judith Huber & Robert Mailhammer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1–8.
2016. Graeme Trousdale and Elizabeth Closs Traugott (2013). Constructionalization and Constructional Changes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Functions of Language 23(2): 264–270.
2014. Stefan Thim (2012) Phrasal Verbs. The English Verb Particle Construction and its History. Topics in English Linguistics 78. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton, in Language Dynamics and Change 4(2): 301–306.
2011: Richard Ingham, ed. (2010) The Anglo-Norman Language and its Contexts. York: Medieval Press in assoc. with The Boydell Press, in Anglia 129(3–4): 473–477.
Selected presentations
“From yea to yes: Changes in affirmatives in 16th and 17th model dialogues”. Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference (HiSoN), Universidad de Murcia, 1 June 2022.
“Talking about motion in Old English”. SELIM International research seminar on Old English linguistics, 19 May 2022.
“Argument-structure-constructions and lexical semantic change”. Explorations in Construction Grammar, zoom-talk series Linguistics Lab FAU, 13 Dec 2021.
“Affirmatives in 16th century language teaching manuals”. Travel(l)ing Texts – Texts Travel(l)ing: Symposium on the Occasion of Hans Sauer’s 75th Birthday. LMU Munich, 13 Nov 2021.
“The role of dialect contact in the loss of thou V-st” [with Christine Elsweiler and Julian Mader]. ISLE 6, University of Eastern Finland, 4 June 2021.
“Semantic effects of intertypological language contact: travailler in Anglo-Norman”. Invited talk Forschungskolloquium Romanistik, Universität Stuttgart, 2 July 2019.
“Be– and have-perfects with manner of motion verbs in Early Modern English”. ICAME 40, Université de Neuchâtel, 3 June 2019.
“Of travels and travails: The role of lexical typology and language contact in semantic change”. 11th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME), Università degli Studi di Firenze, 7 February 2019.
“Loss of number in the Standard English 2nd person” [with Christine Elsweiler]. Workshop Lost in Change: Causes and Processes in the Loss of Grammatical Constructions and Categories, 40. Jahrestagung der DGfS, Stuttgart, 7 March 2018.
“Gehören, gehorchen, aufhören, verstehen: ,(Zu-)Hören‘ in Metapher und Metonymie”. (Zu-)Hören. Interdisziplinäre Tagung, Orff-Zentrum Munich, 29-30 June 2017.
“Loss of number in the English second person pronoun – a change for the worse, but due to a change for the better?” [with Christine Elsweiler]. LMU-UCB Workshop Language Change for the Worse, Munich, 25-28 May 2017.
“Be/have + past participle of manner of motion verbs in Middle English”, 19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-19), Universität Duisburg-Essen, 23 Aug 2016.
“Non-Motion verbs in the intransitive motion construction in the history of English or, Why you’re likely to travel to Greece in English (but less so in French)”, 18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-18), KU Leuven, 14 July 2014.
“Motion and the English Verb: A Diachronic Study” (Poster), International Workshop Sylex III: Space and Motion across Languages and Applications, Universidad de Zaragoza, 21 Nov 2013.
“Motion Verbs and Constructions in the History of English”, 17th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-17), Zürich, 23 Aug 2012.
“On the Integration of Path-Verbs in Middle English”, Workshop Grammaticalization and Verb Valency, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Lexikografie, Valenz- und Kollokationsforschung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 14-15 May 2012.
“Enter, descend & Co.: On the integration of typological misfit loanwords in English”. PhilSoc Symposium Synchrony and Diachrony, Oxford, 17 March 2012.
“English and the Borrowed Path-Verb: Motion Verbs in Language Contact”. FJUEL (Forum Junge Englische Linguistik in Bayern), Eichstätt, 30 Sep 2011.
“Caused-Motion Verbs in the Middle English Intransitive Motion Construction – The Influence of the Wider Constructional Network”, 6th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-6), Prague, 4 Sep 2010.
“No man entreth in or out – how are typologically ‘unfitting’ French motion verbs integrated into English?”, 16th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-16), Pécs, 24 Aug 2010.
“Bewegungsverben im Sprachkontakt – eine Fallstudie anhand des Romaunt of the Rose“, SEM XI, Berlin, 7 Mar 2009.
“Altfranzösisch: Verb- oder Satellite-framed?”, Oberseminar Romanistik Uni Regensburg, 28 Nov 2008.
Classes taught
- Hauptseminar Accents and Dialects in England
- Hauptseminar English Historical Pragmatics
- Hauptseminar Language Change
- Hauptseminar Written English: from medieval manuscript to print to twitter
- Introduction to Linguistics
- History of English
- Proseminar Approaches to Syntax
- Proseminar Meaning in Language
- Proseminar English Lexicology and Lexicography
- Proseminar Pragmatics
- Middle English
- From Old to Middle English with the Peterborough Chronicle
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Seminar The Unfolding of Language
- Seminar Borrowed Words
- Examenskurs Gegenwartssprache
- Examenskurs Mittelenglisch
- Examenskurs diachron
- Lektürekurs “Tierisches in der Mittelenglischen Literatur” (mit Prof. Lenker)
- Lektürekurs Troilus and Criseyde
- Lektürekurs zur Vorbereitung auf das Staatsexamen Alt- und Mittelenglisch