Exam Registration Issues
Please select the type of problem you are facing when trying to register for your exam. If possible, please attach a screenshot illustrating your issue.
I cannot find the exam/the exam is not listed.I get an error message.I am facing a different problem:
Please select the degree program you are enrolled in and ideally also the exam regulations version (Prüfungsordnungsversion). Then enter the five-digit number of the exam for which you are trying to register and state which class you are taking for this exam (e.g. Mittelseminar "Pragmatics" or AS Culture). If the class you are taking is offered by more than one lecturer (e.g. Grundseminar or Lektüreseminar), please also state your lecturer's name.
Degree Program* —Please choose an option—BA English and American StudiesLehramt GymnasiumLehramt Grund-, Mittel- oder RealschuleMA English StudiesMA North American StudiesMA The Americas/Las Américas Exam Regulations Version Exam Number* Class* Lecturer
Please enter your name, your e-mail-address, and your eight- or nine-digit student id number. Ideally, please also state the semester you are currently enrolled in.
Name* E-Mail* Student ID Number* Semester